XLsior Festival
Όλα όσα πρέπει να ξέρεις για το πιο Hot gay event σε ΟΛΟ τον κόσμο όπου θα γίνει 20-28 Αυγούστου στη Μύκονο.
Θέλω να δώσω συγχαρητήρια στους διοργανωτές γιατί 1ον είναι Έλληνες και γιατί κατάφεραν να δημιουργήσουν ένα τόσο υψηλό απαιτήσεων και προδιαγραφών event.
Fedon Drysalis
Nondas Dabanis
Abraam Seirekidis
ANastasios Kapetanias(DelSol-Gazi)
Επειδή υπάρχει ήδη στην ιστιοσελίδα σχετικό κείμενο στα αγγλικά σας το μεταφέρω αυτολεξή. Ποτέ δεν μου άρεσε να μεταφράζω όχι γιατί βαριέμαι αλλά κυρίως γιατί χάνεται η μαγία.(ναι ρε έχεις πρόβλημα?)
Our first challenge was in the summer of 2009 when the team of lifeZONE events decided to do the impossible: organise, promote and execute a 5-day International Gay Festival in Mykonos within a 3 months time period.
The result was beyond any of our expectations! 10,000 boys from every corner of the world were found partying in unison day and night for 5 days !
The dream that Greece could also be a host of an annual international gay event came true, but unlike other gay destinations like Ibiza and Fire Island, we realised that the potential of the our festival was not only great, but also extremely unique.
There are no secrets or formulas for success. We had to be different, superior and long-lasting, which is how we created the name for the event:
XL + excelsior = XLsior
Excelsior, Latin word meaning "superior", "lordly", "ever upward",
The 5-day festival in August 2009 included spectacular shows located in the most beautiful venues, as we wanted to be stand out from the typical and generic idea of: 4 walls with a sound system and lights. Again, XLsior being unique. Our venues were exclusive, some overlooking the sea where the sunset and sunrise could be seen, while others were located within meters of the crystal-clear waters and the golden beaches of Mykonos. Due to our well thought-out selection of venues, our guests enjoyed a clubbing experience incomparable to other gay holiday destinations, while still maintain the peace and tranquility of a true holiday island.
Mykonos' desirable location in the historic Mediterranean Sea is world renowned for its vast, boundless, crystal-clear blue waters; its tranquil beaches and trademark windmills from the 16th century, the astonishing Mykonian architecture of whitewashed streets and buildings, its enchanting narrow and curvy streets filled with shops, restaurants and bars; and its quaint homes with stepped walls and brightly colored balconies.
Mykonos is a glamorous and an exclusive destination, and yet still maintains what the Greeks are known best for: top notch hospitality.
Due to the massive success or our 5-day event in August 2009, XLisor has decided to bring you a 9-day International Gay Festival with a variety of events which tailor to all types of gay holiday goers. Whether your preference is a quiet holiday laying on the beach with your partner during the day while enjoying delicious greek cuisines and drinks at night, or partying 'til the sun comes up (or goes down) among a sea of boys from all over the world and the best internationally known DJs, XLisor's Gay International Festival in Mykonos has exactly what you're looking for.
We are working day and night to create an unforgettable 9-day experience which is incomparable to anything gay holiday goers have seen in the past. XLisor is setting the new international standards to gay holidays.
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